Joplin Area Real Estate Investor Association

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Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati



“If you were arrested for being a real estate investor would there, be enough evidence to convict you?” I was once asked! I wholeheartedly responded with a resounding, “YES!” You must be able to do that which makes you stand out from your competition. As you begin your campaigns as part of your overall marketing strategy and goal, continue to diligently test and track results as you go. You MUST be able to determine what marketing tools work best for you in your marketplace in order to draw the highest number of motivated sellers to your real estate investing business. 

People often ask me, “What is the best way to find motivated sellers and buyers?” My response is to do that which your competition will not and do a lot of it. Dare to be different in your approach to locating motivated sellers. Analyze, discover, and continue to rediscover the best combination of marketing methods that will generate the highest number of motivated sellers for your business. Develop three to five marketing techniques that give the very best lead-generating leverage possible and devote your resources to those marketing techniques which net the very best results. As simple as it may sound---don’t spend time on something that is not productive. 

Constantly test and track new marketing techniques since your market and your business will continue to change over time. In most cases, change IS good, especially if YOU plan that change. Spend time listening or reading about those who have come before you and developed marketing strategies that draw high numbers of motivated sellers to you. Spend your time and energy constantly seeking new knowledge about new combinations of marketing methods to create even more leads. Pursue innovative marketing methods in your business to bring you the highest number of motivated sellers. Be innovative. You’ll get “status quo” results if you stick to the status quo! 

        Don’t be afraid to use unusual types of marketing products such as fluorescent orange or pink business cards, postcards, or signage to attract sellers. Use t-shirts in your business and wear them all the time. We even had a t-shirt made for our German Shepard dog. When we would take him for a walk people knew what we do for a living.  “Wrap” your vehicle in signage and be sure to include a website address. Implement several different ways to attract sellers since you will need to reach your market in a variety of ways. 

Direct mail is another essential tool to use to attract lots of motivated sellers. This is a method most of your competition is not using in their business. Implement mailings on a residual basis so you are in constant contact with these sellers. When their circumstances dictate that they do so, they will want to sell to you first, even if they have been contacted by someone else in the meantime, since you have taken the time to build credibility with these sellers. Use lumpy mail pieces in your envelopes to entice your reader to open the envelope and read your message. Design your direct mail piece so different that it demands people’s attention, so it gets opened and read.  

Don't be worried about people who make negative comments about you or your marketing methods. You will be the one who will get “the last laugh” all the way to the bank with the profits from your real estate deals. Throw your business cards out into the bleachers when your children's team scores a point. Give business cards to everyone you deal with on a daily basis. Write an article on real estate and submit it to your local newspaper. Offer to do a free talk on real estate for your local radio station or your local library.  

Become a local expert in the real estate field and sellers will seek you out first when they need to sell.  

A marketing genius once said, “Perception is more important than reality.” People are more comfortable dealing with someone they perceive to be an expert in their field.  

Most importantly, absolutely KNOW what your competition is doing. Literally, track their every technique. Research and find out all that your competition is doing. Knowing about your competition gives you the ultimate edge over them. The more you know about your competition, the better idea you will have about your market. One of the best ways to find out what your competition is doing is to join local associations or clubs where you are likely to interact with them.   

There are lots of great ways for you to stand out in your business. Don’t be afraid to be different. Although you will still use some tried and proven marketing techniques, those who are willing to take a little risk are the ones who are the most successful.  

 Believe me when I tell you, some of these lessons come from difficulties, pain, and even a couple of failures along the way.  But once you make a mistake, never make that same mistake again!  Different gets attention and that’s what you want, to get the attention of sellers who need your services.   

Very simply, if you don’t let people know that you buy and sell houses, you won’t! Dare to be different in your approach to finding motivated sellers and buyers.    

So, when someone asks you, “If you were arrested for being a real estate investor, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”  

Your VERDICT must be: GUILTY!


Beth Moreno8/2/2022

easauer@gmail.comThanks so much for the insight Kathy! I'm a total newbie to REI taking every opportunity to learn. One of the things I've been thinking about is if everyone is doing the same thing how do you stand out among all of the competition?

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