Joplin Area Real Estate Investor Association

How To Gain Instant Authority, Credibility, Fame, and Higher Income In Your Work Or Business.

Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs


The concept of “branding” is an elusive topic.

Many are of an opinion of what a brand is, however, few know the true definition. More important, even fewer know how to properly leverage their personal brand for greater results in business and life.

Your brand is more than a logo. It’s who you are, your reputation in the market, how you are perceived. Your personal brand stands for something. It’s a positive, negative, or natural feeling in your prospects or colleagues minds.

A properly designed and delivered brand opens the doors to greater opportunities, earning a higher income, producing more sales, or positioning you as an expert in your field.

We all have a brand whether we know it or not. In fact, not having a brand – is a brand. Think, how are you being seen in the market. Are you being intentional with your brand, or is it a byproduct of how other perceive you?

Here are 3 specific advance personal branding strategies you can employ starting today to grow your business.

  1. Getting Your Brand Known. You are in control of your brand. Give it a name, a look, a feel. Start with your reputation. Then make your colleagues, business associates, clients, customers, employers know your brand. In today’s market social media plays a big role. Are you being conscious of your presence in social media – remember, your market is watching.
  1. What you say DOESN’T count. It’s not what you say – it’s what your market says. The roles today are reversed, and it’s so easy for your reputation to spread. The world today is much more skeptical and it is up to  you to maintain a strong reliable position in the market.

Make Your Brand Shine. Become the leader in your field. Sharing powerful content matters. You can prove your better than your competition by demonstrating your value. Consider: Writing a book that showcases your expertise, make videos to reveal your talent, or use social media to become known to the marketplace for the person and personal brand you want and deserve to be.

The most startling thing to realize is people do business with your brand and chose to work with you from perception above all else. With a powerful personal brand your own reputation sells itself.

The first step is making the decision of who you want to be in your market. Follow these tips and build your brand. With your brand you enjoy increased visibility, increased credibility, and increased wealth. Imagine yourself as a superstar in field with new opportunities, clients, customers, and sales coming to you!


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